Destination Management

Destination Management

A smooth, hassle-free service

Every conference or business gathering needs a dedicated destination management service whether the event is held within the UK or abroad. We recognise that events are not just within our lovely small Isle of Britain. So, when you need to plan a conference, meeting, incentive overseas you need the right team of people to bring this together for you. Our knowledge of the sector is unrivalled.

We work with you

We work with you to identify the benefits and pitfalls of your event locality. We make sure that the transport, accommodation and venue are exactly as they should be and that your guests enjoy a hassle-free event.

  • Destination feasibility
  • Destination selection
  • Matching destination to event objectives
  • Accommodation
  • Transport
  • Fun activities

Tell us a bit about your event and we will get in touch to help you plan your perfect event.
If you’re not sure about the details yet, that’s okay!

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